Saturday, August 11, 2007

South Africa, here we come...

Our journey began from LAX. We left the States @ 9:45pm (our flight was delayed, of course). For the most part, the flight was not too bad. Emerson slept for most of the time, so we had a chance to relax & get some rest. We arrived into London the next day @ 4:00 pm. From London to Cape Town was a bit of a different story though. Emerson wanted to play & we were definitely a little more tired at that time, but we got through it. Looking back, it wasn't too bad. We are excited to be in South Africa now. We've had a chance to meet so many new people, and they are so welcoming. Emerson had a great time at mid-week study (Calvary Chapel Cape Town) jamming on the Djembe. Today we had an outreach planned at the park, unfortunately it was rained out. Please keep next Saturday in prayer as we attempt another park outreach to invite people to Calvary Chapel Paarl Valley. Please pray that we get acclimated soon & that the Lord would continue to guide our path each day, as to what His will has for our daily lives. Take care & God bless <><

Anson, Joy, and Emme Lu


Bloggleton said...

Wow...very glad to receive the update. I often think of your family and the work you are doing for Him. Glad to see He is providing in so many ways. Romans 8:28..."And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Keep the faith. -Chris Eggleton

Unknown said...

Sextn Family,

Oh it was so wonderful to hear from you. Chris and i talk about you often and keep you in our prayers. So glad to receive the update. With God all things are possible. I knew he would provide for your family. Please keep us updated. We miss you!!! God Bless!
-Melissa Eggleton